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The movie, “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” continues the current DC Comics movie franchise, which started with the movie “Man of Steel.” This is the second time DC Comics has produced this film. The movie is directed by Zack Snyder, who made “300”, “Watchmen”, and the “Sucker Punch” movie, and was written by DC Comics’ chief writer, Geoff Johns.
The movie starts at the very beginning of Superman’s life as a young boy, which is very hard to believe, when you think about the size of the world he grew up in. As a child, he was raised by his adoptive parents, a professor and his teacher. At an early age, he was highly intelligent, which is why he started to ask questions about his life, and if he was an alien, who his parents were, and how he came to be. He started to exhibit some of the alien powers, by flying, and he started to see things in the sky. At that time, he was in contact with a few other aliens, and they told him his parents were from a planet called Krypton, but he did not believe them.
When he was twelve, his parents and their only other son, Jonathan, were flying in a rocket ship, to a planet called Earth. When they arrived, the rocket was damaged and they had to crash land. When they did, a creature appeared that was similar to the aliens that he was in contact with, but they believed they were from Earth. Superman and his parents survived and they ended up in Smallville, where they adopted Clark Kent and Martha Kent as their adoptive parents.
He has been flying his entire life, and he decided to use his powers for good, rather than evil. He wanted to help people, and he wanted to help the world. He was trained by his adoptive father, and the mentors that he had were also people that were in contact with the aliens. They helped him develop his powers, and they gave him a sense of responsibility that is very hard to understand.
When he was eighteen years old, he left for college in the city of Metropolis, and he started to put on a new persona, Clark Kent. He started to go to work, and he started to blend in with the crowd, and he put on a blue costume to hide his secret identity. He also started to learn
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